
Friday, May 21, 2010

Megan shoo-ed out of Transformers, Bay doesn’t gain much

Michael Bay is making the third part of his 'Transformer' series, that’s news. But Megan Fox is not in it, that’s news too. Now what remains to be seen is whether her not being in it will affect the film's performance at the box-office in any way and oh, boy, if it does; that will be some news!
Not even her biggest critic can accuse Megan of ever acting in the sense Julia Roberts or Helen Mirren acts but her beauty and screen presence makes up a lot. In a film as lame as 'Transformers’, which is a wonder in the basic sense of why it was even made, let alone sequels, one tends to look out for other interests to pass the time. And without an iota of doubt that was a part Megan Fox was an expert in. ( 'Transformer' made her one of the most googled and ogled women on earth.
From the omnipresent sources it was known that the decision of not having Megan in the cast against Shia LaBeouf was reached upon by both Bay and Megan. Good for them as it was also reported that the fall-out was the result of an ensuing tension between the two for months.
The last blowup was perfectly timed as Megan was ready to quit and Bay was ready to look for a new face, though only to parade around in skimpily clad outfits in the film.
The inside story indicates that Megan was forced to quit as she couldnt take any more of the verbally abusive Bay. This is without doubt a huge blow to Megan's career; already damaged by her inability to open Twentieth's Fox Atomic film Jennifer's Body last September. But for Bay, it doesn’t mean much as whatever becomes the fate of ‘Transformer 3’, he will still have his contract with Paramount to fall back on.

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